Non-Discrimination Policy
Safe school environment
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Safe school environment
The Somerset Berkley Regional School Committee and the Somerset School Committee, Somerset Berkley Regional School District and Somerset Public Schools are committed to maintaining an education and work environment for all school community members. that is free from all forms of discrimination, including harassment and retaliation. The members of the school community include the School Committee, employees, administration, faculty, staff, students, volunteers in the schools, and parties contracted to perform work for the Somerset Berkley Regional School District and the Somerset Public Schools.
Somerset Berkley Regional School District and Somerset Public Schools do not exclude from participation, deny the benefits of Somerset Berkley Regional District and Somerset Public Schools from or otherwise discriminate against, individuals on the basis of race*, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, genetic information, active military/veteran status, marital status, familial status, pregnancy, or pregnancy-related condition, homelessness, ancestry, ethnic background, national origin, or any other category protected by state or federal law in the administration of its educational and employment policies, or in its programs and activities.
This commitment to the community is affirmed by the following statements. The School Committee commits to:
1. Promoting the rights and responsibilities of all individuals as set forth in the State and Federal Constitutions, pertinent legislation, and applicable judicial interpretations.
2. Encouraging positive experiences in human values for children, youth and adults, all of whom have differing personal and family characteristics and who come from various socioeconomic, racial and ethnic groups.
3. Working toward a more integrated society and enlisting the support of individuals as well as groups and agencies, both private and governmental, in such an effort.
4. Using all appropriate communication and action techniques to air and address the grievances of individuals and groups.
5. Carefully consider, in all the decisions made within the school district, the potential benefits or adverse consequences that those decisions might have on the human relations.
6. Initiating a process of reviewing policies and practices of the school district in order to achieve to the greatest extent possible the objectives of this statement.
The Somerset Berkley Regional School District and the Somerset Public Schools require all members of the school community to conduct themselves in accordance with this policy.
It shall be a violation of this policy for any member of the school community to engage in any form of discrimination, including harassment and retaliation, or to violate any other civil right of any member of the school community. We recognize that discrimination can take a range of forms and can be targeted or unintentional; however, discrimination in any form, including harassment and retaliation, will not be tolerated.
It shall also be a violation of this policy for any school community member to subject any other member of the school community to any form of retaliation, including, but not limited to, coercion, intimidation, interference, punishment, discrimination, or harassment, for reporting or filing a complaint of discrimination, cooperating in an investigation, aiding or encouraging another member of the school community to report such conduct or file a complaint, or opposing any act or practice reasonably believed to be prohibited by this policy.
web accessibility
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web accessibility
The Somerset Public Schools and the Somerset Berkley Regional School District strive to ensure that their services are accessible to people with disabilities. The Somerset Public Schools and the Somerset Berkley Regional School District have invested significant resources to help ensure that its website is made easier to use and more accessible for people with disabilities, with the strong belief that every person has the right to live with dignity, equality, comfort and independence.
The Somerset Public Schools and the Somerset Berkley Regional School District continue their efforts to constantly improve the accessibility of their site and services in the belief that it is our collective obligation to allow seamless, accessible, and unhindered use for all, including those of us with disabilities.
Despite our efforts to make all pages and content on all The
Somerset Public Schools and the Somerset Berkley Regional School District websites are fully accessible, but some content may not have yet been fully adapted to the strictest accessibility standards. This may be a result of not having found or identified the most appropriate technological solution.