- Families
- Resources for Families
- Bullying Prevention
- Special Education Parent Advisory Council
- Home Schooling
- Registration
- School Meal Information
- School Calendars
- Bus Routes
- Buffer Zone Information
- Medical Forms
- Non-Discrimination/Compliance Officers
- Preschool/Integrated Early Childhood Program at North Elementary School
- Parent/Guardian Acknowledgements
- Student Insurance
- Student & Parent/Guardian Handbooks
- School Choice
- Permission to Share Information Form
Ways to Report Bullying
Print, Call, or Submit Online
Print, Call, or Submit Online![]()
Print, Call, or Submit Online
- Print and submit a copy of the Bullying Incident Report Form to the building principal.
- The bullying incident report form may be hand delivered to the school's main office, or it mailed by mailed or emailed to the building principal:
- SBRHS: Susan Brelsford, SBRHS Principal, 625 County Street, Somerset, MA 02726; brelsfords@sbregional.org
- SMS: Pauline Camara, SMS Principal, 1141 Brayton Avenue, Somerset, MA 02726; pauline.camara@somersetschools.org
- Chace Street School: Timothy Plante, Chace Street School Principal, 538 Chace Street, Somerset, MA, 02726; timothy.plante@somersetschools.org
- North Elementary:Paula Manchester, North Elementary Principal, 580 Whetstone Hill Road, Somerset, MA, 02726; paula.manchester@somersetschools.org
- South School: Stephanie Brown, South School Principal, 700 Read Street, Somerset, MA 02726; stephanie.brown@somersetschools.or
- The bullying incident report form may be hand delivered to the school's main office, or it mailed by mailed or emailed to the building principal:
- Use the confidential bullying reporting line by dialing *67-508-235-0605 then answering the various prompts (dialing *67 assures confidentiality by blocking caller ID)
Reviewed: April 27, 2022